Naturcharc’s organic philosophy consolidates its presence in the German retail market

The manager of Naturcharc, Manuel Giménez, and the logistics director, José Gimenez, recently visited German lands to consolidate commercial alliances with which they have been working during the last years.

With the help of Naturkost Schramm, a client and friend who sells organic products between organic wholesalers and retailers, the Giménez brothers participated in the meeting organized by ebl.

Organic Farming Proximity
In the meeting they participated with the manager of ebl, Gerhard Bickel, who told them how important it is for them to connect producers directly with consumers. Manuel and José toured local organic stores where they could see how their organic products are sold to the final consumer.

Thanks to the organized day, Manuel and José, shared their experience with local consumers who asked them all kinds of questions to know in depth the process of growing their organic fruits and vegetables.

The family structure of the company, led by the three brothers, and the ecological composting plant, were the topics that German consumers were most interested in. Manuel and José enjoyed being able to share with them directly, their way of understanding organic farming.

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