September 2020

Food Waste, a Problem that We Can Solve Together

Do you know how much food is wasted each day? According to the United Nations, approximately one third of all the food produced on the planet is lost for different reasons. This percentage becomes even higher in the case of vegetables. For this reason, September 29th is the International Day of Awareness on Food Loss...

Autumn Vegetables – Essential for the Immune System

A healthy immune system is important at any time of year, but especially when autumn arrives, the start of cold and flu season. It is undeniable that a fit immune system is even more important considering the presence of the coronavirus, which has caused even more concern for our health this year. Food is an...

World Heart Day Reminds us of the Importance of Diet for our Heart Health

The heart is one of the body’s most active organs. It can go unnoticed most of the time, but every day it beats more than 100,000 times on average, pumping nutrients and oxygen throughout the body in constant, silent activity. Cardiovascular diseases affect millions of people around the world each year. In order to raise...